Yesterday I was craving jelly, then decided to make my healthy jelly recipe. You can adjust the flavour by replacing the lemon juice or by adding a fruit tea bag. Serves:1 1/3 cup Boiling Water 3 tsp Lemon Juice 1 tbs Stevia Organic (replace with other sweeteners to taste) Food Colouring (optional) 1 tsp Gelatine Combine until dissolved. Let set.
When I went on a walk yesterday I noticed that many burnt, trees fell, then something caught my dad's eye. A tree fell, got burnt, but it had one branch that kept growing until it was even higher than the original tree. This proves that in bad situations you may, fall, and get burnt. Many others will stay down for the rest of their lives. If you work hard, put your mind to it, and let God help you, you can grow to be bigger and better than you used to be.